Another Update on Gracie (Te Fiti)

August 14, 2018

I am finally following up! Gracie aka Te Fiti has been a welcomed furry addition to our home. She was well worth the crazy drive…as we first ended up at the Barron County HS, due to technical error, and then we were 20 minutes past closing time, to pick Gracie up. Thanks to Peggy for staying a bit extra!!

When we got Gracie home, she pranced out of her carrier like she owned the place, and she wasn’t one bit scared of our boy DeNiro. He on the other hand had been the one and only for a bit over a year, so he was a little more cautious, but curious too.
It took him a couple of weeks to accept that this little crazy fur ball was a permanent addition.

They have grown on each other, of course Gracie tries to rule the roost, and sometimes DeNiro gets a bit fed up with her, all of that constant playing, and running around…
Anyway here they are together, I think DeNiro makes a great big brother!!

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