October 21, 2019

Hi, Pamela. Update from our new family member:

Since I went home with my new family, I’ve been doing great!  My new humans tell me I’m super smart and think I’m very enthusiastic about everything. I became adjusted to my new home and new dog food right away, and I’m already learning to chew on my rope toy, and not to chew on Tom’s socks!

I have decided that Brenda is my favorite pet human, but I love all of my new pets. I enjoy going for rides in Tom’s truck and look forward to my walks up the road with Fayth, my 10 year old human best friend. I sleep great in my kennel, and especially like the soft blanket my pets gave me after I accidentally shredded my 2 dog beds.

I am already feeling protective of my new home and family, too! I tried really hard to protect my new home from a chicken when she was coming too close to the porch. I wanted to eat her, but she was too fast for me and all I got was a mouthful of her tail feathers. I will be faster next time!

I’m having so much fun here with my new humans!

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