September 16, 2019

I’m super sorry between the new house and side jobs, I’ve been stupid busy. Barret who we now basically call bear is doing perfect. Roscoe our other dog took a little longer to buddy up to Bear but we have seen some midnight heads touching lately that have been too cute. I’ve sent some random pic and a video of Bear chasing grasshoppers, his favorite pastime. If you ever need me to bring Bear to an adoption event just let me know. I’ve pretty much got him trained and the rest will happen in winter when I have time. He loves our land and understands where our land starts and ends which is awesome because I’ve only walked it with him twice, good genes. Not long after we got Bear we had a house warming party, around 40 people, 8 were kids 1 to 4 years old and Bear never once had an issue instead was the star of the party.

Truly Bear was meant to be here and has brought joy and comfort to me and the wife (Laura).  At first the wife didn’t like Bear because he would only love on me and follow me but that changed so quick it was funny. Now I come home to a wife all curled up spooning Bear . . . super cute. So yah he has won everyone over and is now part of the family. Thank you very much for all you did and I hope to hear from you soon.

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