November 21, 2023

Apologies haven’t checked my email in a while. Vegas is doing great! We did change his name to Hermes. He is definitely spoiled. My parents said I should’ve invested on giving them a grandbaby for how much we’ve spent on him. First vet checks went good – did have a parasite but that’s taken care of now.

I have a backpack carrier and take him for walks and errands with me (he loves looking out the window during car rides). He’s very social. I live and work at a funeral home and has made some people’s day a little better during a difficult time. The apartment is blocked off from the funeral home but sometimes you hear little meows (hasn’t quite found his voice yet) and see little paws coming from under the door where we meet with families, and for the families he’s done that with have wanted to meet him so I brought him out and he’s so good with them. He loves to meet people and will cuddle up to anybody and pur up a storm! And people love him because he’s so friendly. A lot of people think he acts more like a dog than a cat because of how friendly he is.

He’s definitely Nick and mines baby. Every night at bedtime he has to be between us, touching us both. Then he sucks on and kneads a fuzzy blanket we have before driftting off to dreamland. We say he’s making biscuits He’s with me most days all day long and keeps me company while I work. He normally naps wedged in between my back and the chair, stares out the window, or plays with his springs. Little plastic springs are his favorite toys and carries them with him all over the house. We have 15-20 of them but he only knows where they all are He’s quickly become a well-loved member of the family and a joy to anyone he meets

Sorry I’m a bit bad at words. I’ve attached some pictures and a video of him making biscuits! Thanks for reaching out!

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