June 22, 2021

Jack and Jill are now called Teddy and Gracie. They are a bonded pair with completely different personalities but we have grown to love them already.

Gracie is doing very well. She had to have her last eleven teeth removed a week after she came to us since they were in such terrible condition but she bounced back very quickly. She came into heat about a week after that which was somewhat of a surprise. The vet says the scar on her tummy that your vet thought was from being spayed is probably from a c-section. He likes to wait a couple of months after a dog has been in heat to do the spay so she’ll be having that done in May. She is coming along nicely with potty training and has her first grooming appointment coming up in a couple of weeks when it will hopefully be warmer weather. She is a quiet, mannerly little girl and a real sweetheart.

Teddy, on the other hand, is having a tough time adjusting. He came to us almost completely unsocialized and afraid of everything and everyone except Gracie. She is his lifeline! He didn’t know how to use the stairs or jump on or off furniture and didn’t know what toys or treats were.

After the first three weeks he finally got to a point where I could touch him and pet him and now, after two months, he lets me pick him up and hold him. He now enjoys his treats and is beginning to play with his toys. However, he remains terrified of everyone but me … including my husband. He still goes into complete panic mode when we take him outside as we live on a fairly busy street and there are lots of people and noises which has made potty training nearly impossible. He does well outside very early in the morning and late at night when all is calm and quiet … the rest of the time he wears doggie diapers. He has his first appointment with an obedience trainer this weekend so hopefully she’ll be able to help with these issues. He had his first groomer appointment several weeks ago. He was so badly matted that the groomer suggested we have him put under for his first time to avoid traumatizing him any further. She had to completely shave him and he looks like a totally different dog without all of that curly fur!  He now wears sweatshirts and sweaters to keep warm and seems to really enjoy having them on. I’ll be glad, though, when some of those curls grow back so he’ll look like my “Teddy Bear” again!


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