March 29, 2024

Oh Murphy-same name, did not change name. Good dog-typical young black lab. Love ‘im, laugh at ‘im, wanta bring him back sometimes, frustrated sometimes. Sometimes I think he’s real smart and other times dumb as a box of rocks. My solution  when I get real tired of it all, is just to leave him alone hooked up somewhere safe or in the kennel. Safety is # 1.  Now, he’s settled down a bit and not too anxious, so the kennel in the house is sort of a safe haven for him–that’s good. Training him to sit–down–and  down-down (get real down to the ground-lay on your side). Always with a treat, but he gets so excited, he’ll do all three hoping to get the treat and it’s as if he doesn’t know sit from down. But the big thing is to always keep him danger free within the scope of the leash. If he can reach it, he’ll eat or destroy it. And the kitchen—–he is real smart there!!!!!!!!!!  It took me a while to catch on, but he can get his paws up on the countertop and his head to the BACK of the counter, eat any and everything without rattling the dishes or silverware and then disappear. Half a rack of ribs (gone), teeth marks on the quarter stick of butter, spagetthi plate licked clean,  peanutbutter jar touched, all with no noise and nothing falling on the floor–smart. Maybe as he gets older, he’ll get smarter with the commands.


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