June 22, 2021

Thanks for reaching out! Percy (formerly Scooter, the orange boy) and Piper (formerly Jean, tabby girl) are settling in well with me and my husband!

Scooter is a happy, laid-back boy who loves to play (especially with his carrot toy), look out the window at birds, and eat. He’s more of an independent fellow, but will always greet my husband and I when we come home from work, sit on the couch across from us, and jump at the chance to play fetch with his toy mice! He loves being held, and would happily stay in our arms forever if we let him! Percy had his first check up and has a clean bill of health – our vet says he is “such a gem” of cat. He is very friendly with new people, greets them with a happy meow, and wags his tail like a dog to make people feel welcome. He purrs at everything (we call him Tugboat sometimes). Such a little gentleman!

Piper is a little shier than Percy, but is a little cuddle bug when she wants affection. She is most comfortable around my husband and I, but is learning that other people are nice and give kind pets too! She will follow us everywhere in the house – even trying to follow us to the restroom – and showers us with leg rubs and slow “love” blinks. She’s a snuggly little gal who will climb into our laps, give us hugs and kitty kisses (nuzzling our faces and touching our cheek with a gentle paw), and sleeps on the bed with us every night while Percy keeps watch from the cat tree. Her favorite toy is a catnip-filled mouse that she will bat around the house, or take care of like a baby. She likes to meow with it in her mouth and give it to us after she’s played with it for a while. She is also a healthy girl, who is a bit skittish of the vet, but learning that he is gentle and nice too.

When Piper isn’t snuggling with us, she’s grooming and playing with Percy, her best friend. Both cats had to adjust to one another as their forever feline roommates, but are now close pals. They chase each other around the house, watch birds out the window together, take turns playing mouse hockey on the hardwood floor, and snuggle together in the cat tree or on the couch after a full day of play. My husband and I are so happy with our fur babies. They are wonderful cats who we love and cherish dearly.

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