January 11, 2019

Sorry that it has taken a while to reply back about miss Stella. My husband isn’t the best about replying to emails so he forwarded the message to me. Stella is a very interesting cat and like no one we’ve had before. She has this incredible tolerance for our four year old daughter, Cecilia. Ceci can carry her around and often puts her in the stroller for her dolls. Stella seems to enjoy every minute of it. She is the queen of the animals of the house and both or our large dogs know she runs the show. She isn’t much of a snuggly cat but she follows us everywhere and sleeps at the end of my bed or in my daughter’s room. She is very particular about her food and I think we have finally found the kind she likes. The only difficulty we have had with her is that she is a very chatty cat. This is fine during the day but not so much at 3 am. She often wonders the house yowling all night long. We have had some luck by putting her to bed with our daughter and now have a feliway diffuser that seems to help. The past week we have been howl free! I think she is finally comfortable and content. She likes the watch our chickens out the window. She has stolen our hearts and is the queen of the house… And she knows it. I’ve attached some pictures. I hope you enjoy and thank you for saving our sweet girl.

PS: Our dog Macy is from HSBC too!

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