Tommie (OJ)

March 15, 2017

OJ is getting a new name. We discovered he only seems to respond to “Kitty” and that seems to be too feminine for him, so we are calling him Tommie, after Thomas O’Malley from the Aristocats story.

He seems to be settling in nicely. The minute I set his kennel down in the kitchen and opened the door he took over the house. He found the box of cat toys in the computer room and began to sort them out. He has some habits from an earlier home. Example, as soon as the alarm goes off in the morning he hops up on the bed and sits on one of us to make sure we are awake. When I get up he walks beside me to the kitchen and sits down in front of his bowl, ready to be fed. He must have lived with someone who went to work. I put his pad you gave us into a cat bed and set him on it. He stayed for about a minute and went over and jumped up on the sofa and laid down on a blanket that was there. He slept there for a couple days and nights, but now he has taken over my recliner chair, just like our old cat. He is extremely friendly and can be quite a lap cat.

We were surprised how fat he is and hope he will lose some weight. At times, it seems like his stomach is tender to the touch, but we will watch that. The only thing we worry about is our house has several doors to the outside and we try to make sure he doesn’t get out. Since he was a stray, how long do you think it will take him to realize this is home if he should get out? He hasn’t attempted to go out, he seems to be trained to only go to the garage. Our garage is attached and we have a heated house on the work bench that my husband built for our other cat. He likes to set on the top of that and look out the window, but even though we have put him inside the little house several times he doesn’t appear to want to use it. Perhaps after a while he will. We won’t allow him to stay in the garage at night until the weather is warm.

I haven’t called in yet to change his name, but I will soon. I am dealing with the aftermath of eye surgery on November 8th for a detached and torn retina. As part of the repair my lens has been removed from my eye, so my vision is very poor, which causes the vision in my other eye to be distorted. As sometimes occurs in this type of procedure people develop a cystoid macular edema, which I am so lucky to be dealing with now. It’s possible it may be July or later before I can have a new lens put back into my eye. Because of this I don’t do much computer work anymore. It’s hard to type with one eye shut and the other one two inches from the screen. Well enough about my issues. Long story short we love our Tommie cat and think he likes us. As I said before he already rules the house.

Thanks for checking in with us.

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