August 13, 2020

Wallace (the shelter name) is the most wonderful cat I’ve ever known. He’s very clear about when he wants food, water, or petting. He races around the house like a kitten even though he’s only 2 years old. He is very intelligent and behaves like a cat who has never been hurt. His favorite activity is riding on my walker seat looking very regal as he looks at everything from that angle. My daughter Brett picked him up from you and made the choice. I was getting very sad after 5 months sheltering and Wallace Cat entertains me, makes me laugh when I’m feeling lonely. We’re a match made in heaven! Thank you for your care of him. Juliet Da Luiso, please add me to your e-mail list as well as to my daughter, Brett. She’s the hero who picked him out for me. Thank you at the shelter for sheltering Wallace.

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