January 21, 2025
I’m sorry that it’s taken me this long to get back to you. I didn’t change his name. I was told that was his name and I like it. Sawyer is doing very well, especially after what I think he’s been through the last several months. I’ve told friends that I don’t know if Sawyer rescued me or if I rescued him. It was difficult initially, because I had no information about his past before coming to the Humane Society. I think we figured most of it out. I’ve have given him a bath and trimming. I also took him to my veterinarian, who said that he was in great shape for an 11 year old. His biggest problem is being in his kennel when I go to work, twice a week. When I’m gone for shorter time periods, he has free reign of the apartment. He had a few “accidents,” but I think he’s doing well. For my part, I’m glad that I have him. He’s great!